Climate Neutral Real Estate Gulf Region
Leadership for achieving net-zero in desert climates To achieve international climate goals, we need to reduce carbon emissions in the real estate sector. Enabling real estate to become climate-neutral requires considering every part of the building. This Dutch private-public partnership offers a comprehensive, innovative, and transformative strategy that addresses all aspects of the building's environmental impact with integrated solutions. The United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Oman are dedicated to leading the global sustainable transition in the real estate sector. In order to meet these mutual goals, this cluster brings together stakeholders from the entire value chain to realize the developer's and user's ambitions. We are energized to produce workable action plans by exchanging knowledge, sharing best practices, showcasing successful implementations, fostering partnerships, and achieving commitment to monitoring progress following the Sustainable Development Goals.
Through long-term partnerships and by sharing our extensive knowledge and innovative
technologies, the Netherlands helps other countries towards climate neutrality.